++ Attitude
A mediator
Establish or reestablish the relationship and communication between people and teams
EThe role of the mediator is to encourage the two parties to find a solution that allows them to get out of the mental block as well as the tense situation.
In case it is not possible to have both parties get to an agreement, it will always be better if the separation can take place in a respectful manner, avoiding the cost of a difficult separation (internal tension, emotional and economic costs, negative company image etc.) possibly even going to court.
Interpersonal conflicts and tensions have:
A human cost:
Demotivation, absenteeism, passive presence.
An emotional cost:
Wasting time, energy, bad feelings and social climate…
A productivity cost:
Dropping numbers, affected profitability, court proceedings…
Mediation enables you to:
Multiple possible reactions:
No intervention; do nothing and wait
for the situation to solve itself.
This hardly ever happens and generally because one of the players (and usually the best skilled one) leaves the company.
Resolve the conflict by taking sides,
with the risk of disappointing and frustrating one of the parties, be it an individual or an entire clique. It occurs more frequently and tends to increase conflict or tension.
The role of the Mediator will be to limit the negative consequences of the dispute equitably.
The earlier the Mediator intervenes, the easier it is to avoid long-term damage.
What is the objective of mediation?
- Offer the possibility to solve misunderstandings, reestablish communication, revitalize team collaboration
- Help persons in conflict co-build their own solution to their problem.
Other mediation services that might interest you:
Family Mediation
Mediation for family businesses
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